'American Horror Story' Promo #7: Pass the Meat Bucket, Please

'American Horror Story' Promo #7: Pass the Meat Bucket, Please The very first promo for "American Horror Story" season 2 featured a nun carrying a bucket full of what appeared to be body parts. Here we are, six promos later, and the bucket has made a return.

The seventh promo in the "American Horror Story: Asylum" series shows us a crowd of what are most likely inmates at the asylum, their hands in the air as they pass along a bucket full of meat. Is it human meat? Hard to say. Looks more like chicken. We can only hope.

The continuation of the bucket theme suggests that it might be important to the season. What does it mean? Are these meat scraps set out to feed Bloody Face, the to-be-revealed monster/man who will serve as this season's Rubber Man?

Also be sure to check out the other six promos, which are even creepier:

- Bucket

- Blue Coat

- Bath Time

- White Rose

- Ascend

- Glass Prison

Here's the seventh promo in the series, titled "Be Careful What You Pass Along," below: